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Creative Writing and Journalism

CREW Students

The Department of Creative Writing and Journalism at Vancouver Island University offers comprehensive degree programs (Bachelor of Arts, Major and Minor) in Creative Writing. Students enrolled in the program will have the opportunity to work with published and produced professional writers in order to develop professional-level skills in various literary genres ranging from poetry to short fiction to plays and screenplays to news articles and feature stories. They may also elect to acquire an understanding of the publishing and entertainment industries as they relate to the careers of professional writers.

Graduates of the program will have the skills and experience necessary to apply for admission to post-graduate programs in Creative Writing such as the MFA program at the University of British Columbia. Students who elect to take the appropriate courses as a part of their degree requirements may also qualify for admission to post-graduate programs in Publishing (for example, the Master of Publishing program at Simon Fraser University or the Post-Degree Certificate Program at Centennial College) or Journalism (UBC, Western, Carleton). Students interested in pursuing the Master of Publishing or Post-Degree Certificate in Publishing option may also choose to acquire work experience through internships. Graduates of MFA, MPub, and MJour programs such as those mentioned above may apply for entry-level positions in the magazine-, book-, and newspaper-publishing industries.