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BA Degree Advising

Welcome to Vancouver Island University and Upper-Level BA Degree Advising.

BA Degree Advising is located on the third floor of Building 355 and provides academic advising services to all Faculty of Social Science and all Faculty of Arts and Humanities degree students.  If you are a new, continuing or returning BA degree student, we are happy to meet with you to:

  • Declare or change your major or minors
  • Help you learn how to use the Goal Planning System (GPS) to monitor your degree progress
  • Help you to plan your course choices
  • Discuss how your transfer credits apply in your degree
  • Help you learn about how credits earned in an International exchange can apply to your degree
  • Provide detailed program information
  • Provide graduation information
  • Refer you to other resources on campus 


August - June

Student Drop-In:  During the academic year, from August - June, student drop-in is held Monday through Thursday between 9 - 11 am and 1:30 - 3:30 pm in Building 355, Rooms 305 or 307.

Drop-in will resume August 26, 2024.

If you are a new BA student, please read the following:

  • Once transcripts are assessed, credits will be added to your VIU Student Record.  You need to allow time for this process.  You can also check your own lower level (100 and 200 level courses through the BC Transfer Guide.
  • There may be a need for instructional faculty or a department Chair to assess the course syllabus for possible exemptions or other considerations (during summer months, you may have to wait for after-summer return of faculty and/or Chair.
  • Review course and program requirements online.  You can select VIU GPS (program planning system) from the menu options on your Student Record homepage to create unofficial program audits:
  1. Launch GPS, then select "Add Goal",
  2. Select the current calendar year,
  3. Select "Bachelor of Arts",
  4. Select the major or minors you are considering,
  5. When finished selecting, save your goal (top of page) then open the new audit by selecting it from those listed on your GPS homepage.  These are unofficial and you can create as many goal options as you like.
  • You should register for both semesters - Fall and Spring.  If a desired course is full, you can add yourself to the waitlist.  Sometimes reserved seats are not claimed and you will not know true seat availability until the course reserved seats are opened to all students.  View wait list procedures.  New students are advised to read through the Registration Guide.
  • Some courses carry prerequisites so check course descriptions.  You will attain "Third-year Standing" after completion of 54 credits.

First-year students may be interested in the Connexions Learning Community courses, which support the rapid development of academic skills in an interdisciplinary social context.

Your BA Degree Advisors are

Lynda Patterson

Phone: 250-753-3245, Ext. 2178
Location: Building 355, Room 307

  • If you would like to meet to discuss your academic plan, please click book an in-person, Zoom or phone appointment.  You will be redirected to set a date and time for an appointment.  Once your appointment has been accepted, you will receive a confirmation email.

Andrea Martin

Phone: 250-753-3245, Ext. 2603
Location: Building 355, Room 305

  • If you would like to meet to discuss your academic plan, please click book an in-person or Zoom meeting.  You will be redirected to set a date and time for an appointment.  Once your appointment has been accepted, you will receive a confirmation email.

