Field trip to Piper's Lagoon

Vancouver IslandUniversity

Geography Internships

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Geography Internships

Geography Department Internship Opportunity 

Geography will be offering an optional Internship opportunity for Geography Major and Minor students in their 3rd or 4th year.  Internship programs are a way for students to gain work experience in their field of study, through career development and placement.  At VIU, Co-ops and Internships are managed by VIU’s Centre for Experiential Learning (CEL) and used by a variety of VIU programs, from Criminology, to Physical Education to Interior Design, among others.  Learn more about VIU's Centre for Experiential Learning.

To participate in this Geography Internship Opportunity, you first need to register for an online asynchronous general internship preparation course that runs throughout the year and helps  prepare students to pursue an internship relevant to their program of study. This is a three-credit course taught by CEL faculty. 

INTP 300 Planning for Upper-Level Internship

Academic credit towards a GEOG degree will be included for the 3-credit 300-level prep course, and three credits of a single internship, to a maximum of two internships (ie: two separate internships, each worth three credits).

Please confer with VIU Advising to confirm that the credits for the INTP 300 course and summer internship credits meet the requirements for your future graduation needs.

INTP 300 has a rolling intake throughout the year. Students may register to start at any time. All students in their third year of studies are encouraged to apply.  Email to start the registration process.

Upon completion of INTP 300, you will then be eligible to take part in a work experience internship. These work experience placements, which may involve government, the private sector, the not-for-profit sector or others, will be identified through an effort involving the CEL, and the student.

Follow the link How to Add an Internship to Your Academic Experience

The INTP 300 course can be found through the VIU course timetable.

For more information contact: Michele Patterson (Geography Chair)