Field School 2019

Vancouver IslandUniversity

Geography Honours Program

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Geography Honours Program

The Honours Program

The main advantage of the Honours degree in Geography is that it will help students to see themselves as professionals in the discipline, and so will better prepare them for graduate or professional programs. The research project provides an opportunity for putting the required communication, research, and analysis courses into holistic practice; and is becoming a standard expectation for entrance into most graduate programs. VIU is already well established as an institution that provides a breadth of experience suitable for post-program success. The Honours program establishes these standards as a way to strengthen the transition to graduate and professional situations. 

The Program Outline, Admissions, and Deadlines

Students must complete the following two forms and submit them to the Geography Department Chair. Students may apply any time after completion of 45 credits, and prior to March 31st in the year preceding their final year of study. 

Geography Honours Program Application Form (Due March 31st)

Senior Research Project Request Form (Due August 15th for Fall Semester)

Visit the Geography Directed Studies website for further details. 

For further information about Geography programs at VIU, contact the Chair of the Department, at 250.753.3245 Ext. 6296 or