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Criminology Diploma Check-List

Use this on-line form to ensure that you have met the requirements for the Criminology Diploma. A minimum of 60 credits is required. This page is for you to track your progress towards the Diploma. It is not an application for the Diploma.

Check the following courses which you have completed AND have received a grade of C or greater for each course.

First Name:

Last Name:

Student Number:
(use hyphens as in 000-000-000)

Required Criminology Courses

CRIM 101 (3) - Intro to Criminology OR INTR 102 (6) – Introduction to Criminology and Sociology
CRIM 103 (3) – Psycho-social Explanations of Criminality OR PSYC 103 (3)
CRIM 131 (3) – Intro to the Criminal Justice System
CRIM 135 (3) – Intro to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions: A Criminal Justice Perspective
CRIM 204 (3) – Deviance, Crime, and Social Control
CRIM 220 (3) or SOCI 250 (3) or SSID 250 (3) – Research courses
CRIM 230 (3) – Criminal Law

One or more of the following second-year Criminology electives:

CRIM 200 (3) – Aboriginal Issues in the Canadian Criminal Justice System
CRIM 210 (3) – Law, Youth and Young Offenders
CRIM 213 (3) – Gender, Crime, and Justice
CRIM 241 (3) – Intro to Corrections
CRIM 251 (3) – Intro to Policing
CRIM 290 (3) – Alternative Conflict Resolution in Criminal Justice Systems
CRIM 299 (3) – Current Topics in Criminology

Two of the following first-year English OR Both Liberal Studies electives:
(If you get a grade B+ or better in ENGL 115, you can choose to take an elective instead of a second ENGL)
Two of ENGL 115 (3) OR ENGL 125 (3) OR ENGL 135 (3)
OR LBST 111 (6) AND LBST 112 (6)

One of the following Math courses:
MATH 161 (3)(recommended) OR MATH 181 (3) OR MATH 211 (3)

One of the following Philosophy courses:
PHIL 100 (3) OR PHIL 111 (3) OR PHIL 112 (3)

Required Courses
POLI 151 (3)
PSYC 111 (3)
PSYC 112 (3)

One of the following Sociology or Interdisciplinary courses:
SOCI 111 (3) OR INTR 102 (3)

One Indigenous/Xwulmuxw Studies course (200 or 300 level courses – 3 or 6 credits)

General Electives (100 or 200 level only)
Number of electives depends on number of ENGL/LBST/Indigenous Studies credits earned.