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Frequently Asked Questions about the BA-CRIM

If you are a student at VIU, submit your application for the BA to the Registrar before March 15 of your last semester in the Diploma. Your courses should be completed by June 1 of the year in which you apply. See Admission Requirements in Year 3.

If you are not presently a student at VIUregister at VIU online and indicate that you want to enrol in the BA-CRIM program.

Possibly. The registration priority for upper-level criminology courses goes to students who have been accepted into the BA-CRIM program. You can put yourself on a wait list for a third year course. If there is room in the class after the B-CRIM students have claimed their seats, wait listed students will be admitted in the order of their position on the waitlist.

Yes. Students must take the Criminology Field Placement (CRIM 475) with a local agency, normally during their last semester of study. There is also the option of conducting research for an agency where opportunities exist.