Geography Student

Vancouver IslandUniversity

Geography Department

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Welcome to the Geography Department

Geography is the study of the world, its physical and social environments, and the dynamic nature of the relationships among them, from local to global scales.

Key Interests for Geographers:

  • Protecting the environment and sustainably managing the earth's valued resources - land, water, air, and ecosystems. 
  • Understanding the role of culture in the evolution and development of urban and rural landscapes.
  • Understanding the dynamic processes (natural, political, social, and economic) associated with the development of local and regional landscapes from spatial (geographic) and temporal (historical) perspectives. 

Geography is for everyone. It helps us answer essential questions about our identity, our location, our relationships with others, and the reasons behind our specific placements in the world. Whether studying physical geography or human geography, we explore the patterns and processes that define our planet and its diverse cultures.

The Carto Cup Trophy

Scholarships and Awards for Geographers

We have several opportunities for students to receive scholarships, awards, prizes and contests. Click here to learn all about them!

Scholarships and Awards
Chloe Sandahl with Somenos Marsh in background

Geography Department Internship Opportunity

We have internship opportunities for Geography students in their 3rd or 4th year. 

Learn more here!

Why Geography? VIU Geography students share their thoughts!

How is the Geography Program preparing you for your future career? 

The above videos are part of a project initiated by our colleague, mentor, and friend Dr. Jason Young who sadly passed away on December 8, 2021. Many thanks to Dr. Brad Maguire for editing the videos and to the students for sharing their views.