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The Global Studies faculty is comprised of faculty members from anthropology, economics, geography, political studies, and sociology.

  • Matthew Bowes, Geography
  • Marie Hopwood, Anthropology
  • Imogene Lim, Anthropology
  • Harry Sackey, Economics
  • Laura Suski, Sociology
  • William Troost, Economics
  • Mark Williams, Political Studies

Adjunct Faculty

  • Victoria MacFarlane, Belize Field Supervisor
  • Larry Wolfe, Belize Field Supervisor
  • Catherine Schittecatte (Honourary Research Associate)

Laura Suski

Laurie Friskie

"It is very rewarding to work with my colleagues in other departments to build and support the Global Studies Program. I value teaching in an interdisciplinary program where we can bring different perspectives together to think about the impacts of globalization. Our students bring their passions for social justice, human rights, and sustainability issues to their studies, and as a teacher, I try and honour these passions by supporting the development of critical thinking skills, and by creating a learning space where we can analyse and discuss these issues, and think carefully and closely about models of change and activism."

Professor, Chair Global Studies
Building: 355
Room: 330
Phone: 250.753.3245 Ext. 2177
Mail drop: 355

Matthew Bowes

Matthew Bowes

"Matthew Bowes is a professor in the Geography dept. and Global Studies Program at VIU. Matt is a human geographer interested in human dimensions of natural resource management, social and cultural geography, environment and behaviour and outdoor recreation, parks and tourism. The overarching theme in much of Matt's work is sustainability."

Professor, Global Studies Internship Coordinator
Building: 459
Room: 215
Phone: 250.753.3245 Ext. 2316
Mail drop: 356-3

Imogene Lim

Imogene Lim

"Why I teach in GLST:  The world "touches" us whether we want it to or not--through media, through our consumer choices.  We need to educate ourselves to make the best choices as global citizens."

Building: 356
Room: 324
Phone: 250.753.3245 Ext. 2840
Mail drop: 356-3

Further info: 

Catherine Schittecatte

Catherine Schittecatte

"The VIU Global Studies program offers interdisciplinary academics combined with small classrooms, dedicated faculty, a supportive community, and a tradition of strong student collaboration.  These all come together to provide you with ample opportunities to enrich your studies with experiential learning, ranging from student-led clubs such as the VIU Model United Nations (VIUMUN), the World University Services Student Refugee student-led organization (WUSCSRP), the Global Studies Internship program and the annual International Development Week, to name a few."


Mark Williams

Mark Williams

"I think that one of the defining characteristics of the Global Studies program is its commitment to an interdisciplinary approach. Students take courses taught by political scientists, economists, sociologists, geographers, and anthropologists, and just as importantly, they take courses with students from these disciplines, gaining from a broad exposure to the social sciences."

Building: 356
Room: 338B
Phone: 250-753-3245 Ext. 2263
Mail drop: 356-3

Mark Williams' website

Victoria MacFarlane

Victoria MacFarlane

"VIU’s Global Studies program provides students with a range of skills and experiences that help them to arrive in country prepared and motivated, and with creative and adaptive solutions to local issues.  Invariably, students have integrated well into their host communities and made significant contributions, while taking away experiences that they describe as life-changing.” 

Victoria MacFarlane
Adjunct Faculty - Global Studies Internship