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Global Studies Alumni

Here is a great profile piece from the VIU News about some of our alumni who are studying and working in Ottawa.

Our alumni are busy and it's hard for us to keep up with their careers. Apologies to our alumni if our information is not current. 

Gabrielle Bishop

Justice for North Korea 

"Treat your first year like a 'buffet', and try to sample as many courses are you can, because you may be surprised in what ends up sparking your interests"

Vancouver Island University, Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies
Carleton University Norman Paterson School, Master of Arts in International Affairs
Jr Trade Policy Officer - Global Affairs Canada
Consultant Canada Manager of Programs, Partnerships and Communications - WEConnect International 
Desk Officer (Korea) - Global Affairs Canada

Learn more about Gabrielle's experience

Lauren Tran

Global Studies inter-disciplinary nature provides a good "launching pad" and foundation for a variety of Master’s degrees and specializations across the Social Sciences. let your vision be world embracing, rather than confined to your own self", which he believes is invaluable for the success of any individual, community, or institution.

Vancouver Island University Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies 
Lund University Master of Science in International Development and Management
Carleton University Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Program Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant - Aga Khan Foundation Canada
International Project Consultant - CPCS Solutions for Growing Economies