Joining a student club is one of the many ways to get involved on campus. Student club experiences can enhance your education here at VIU, and can help you develop your career once you complete your degree. Some of these clubs also enable you to contribute to making positive change in the world around you. Global Studies is a multidisciplinary program and each student can chart their own unique path within the program. Listed below are some of the clubs you can get involved in. We have also noted how they might relate to the respective Global Studies areas of specialization.
Beekeepers Club // Environment, Sustainable Development & Resource Management
- The purpose of the group is to bring people together to learn about keeping bees, the basics of beekeeping and get you all set up for the summer months. Since the bees are resting in the time we are in school we will be focusing on getting you set up so when the bee become active you will have support and knowledge as beekeepers. We will also be discussing what plants are beneficial to help our pollinator friends.
Blood Club // Human Development
- The VIU Blood Club is working to increase awareness through on campus promotions of Canadian Blood Services (CBS). This will be accomplished in a fun and respectful manner, primarily through on site awareness and poster campaigns that will reach a broad range of VIU students and faculty members. We will work with CBS to bring and promote on campus donations, as well as support off campus blood drives. We are also supporting CBS in their efforts to encourage VIU students to become members of the Stem Cell Registry
Community Care Club // Human Development
- Are you interested in volunteering at city events, festivities, and organizations? How about taking part in environmental clean-ups to keep our community in the best shape it can be? Or maybe you enjoy helping out with food/clothing drives and various fundraisers to support local Nanaimo charities and organizations. (Pick and choose, it's up to you!) If so, VIU's Community Care Club is the perfect place for you!
Global Studies Student Association //
- The Global Studies Student Association (GSSA) is a student led organization that aims to bring together Global Studies students and academic peers who share the same values and ideas about being a responsible global citizen. The GSSA welcomes people who are willing to take action and unite by engaging with local and global communities through multi-disciplinary approaches such as: awareness campaigns, policy discussions, fundraising and other initiatives. Our mission statement is to address global challenges by providing a forum to engage students and community in open dialogue, by encouraging leadership and initiative, and by promoting relationships on local and global levels.
Model United Nations // Human Security & Global Governance
- Model United Nations (MUN) is an interdisciplinary club at VIU which allows students to enter into the world of international politics and cooperation. What we do: At MUN, we role play as international delegates at UN simulation conferences held all over the world. Objectives: Our club allows for the development of strong leadership skills as well as public speaking development and cooperation skills. We also help educate each other on international politics and encourage critical thinking.
Peer Helper Program // Human Development
- Peer Helpers are dynamic leaders who possess the training and skills to support their peers through the stages of cultural adjustment.
Rotract Club of Nanaimo // Human Development
Student Organization for Social Change // Human Development
- The VIU Student Organization for Social Change (SOSC) is for students who want to make a positive difference in the world. Our three main purposes are to raise awareness about issues, encourage students to be active, and to organize efforts to bring positive change. We cover a broad range of issues and like to keep up with current world and local affairs.
VIU Community Peace Garden // Environment, Sustainable Development & Resource Management
- A club where we spend time outdoors in the garden space learning and sharing about plants and soil. You need to have no prior garden knowledge to come out and join us!
WUSC Local Committee // Human Development
- WUSC is unique among development organizations in our ability to link Canada's colleges and universities with our overseas activities. We are present on campuses across the country, connecting postsecondary students, faculty and leaders through: Student Refugee Programs, Uniterra, Overseas learning opportunities and scholarships for students from the Global South.
WorldVIU Community // Human Development
- The WorldVIU Community is an organization of peer helpers who are interested in getting connected in fun activities on and off campus. It’s organized by students, for students, with the support of VIU’s Faculty of International Education. The Community exists to provide accessible events for students to feel socially connected and supported by peers, to improve the cultural adjustment experience of students and to positively contribute to the campus culture, student life experience.
Other Local and International Involvement Opportunities
Canadian Association for the Study of International Development

The Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID) is a national, bilingual, interdisciplinary and pluralistic association devoted to the promotion of new knowledge in the broad field of international development. CASID is a membership-based organization.
Canadian Council for International Co-operation

Canadian Council for International Co-operation is a coalition of Canadian voluntary sector organizations working globally to achieve sustainable human development.
CCIC seeks to end global poverty and to promote social justice and human dignity for all.
BC Council for International Co-operation

BCCIC is a leader in the field of networking. We link people. We link organizations and most of all we link good ideas in our ever evolving movement toward a better world. We are grateful to those who understand this and are with is on this journey.