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The Global Studies internship program is an excellent opportunity for students to experience work in an international environment. Students have pursued internships in places as far flung as Geneva, India, Belize, Uganda and Brazil. Local internships in Nanaimo, and internships in other parts of BC and Canada are also an option for students.

Internships are open to students entering their 3rd or 4th year of the Global Studies Program.  Candidates must have completed three of the required lower level GLST courses [Minors: GLST 200 or ECON 100, POLI 201,GLST 210, GLST 211, and GLST 212  Majors: ECON 211, ECON 212, POLI 200, POLI 201, GLST 210, GLST 211, GLST 212]. The transcripts of applicants will be reviewed to ensure that applicants meet the course requirements of the internship program.

Application Process

The deadline for applications for the 2025 Internship Program is TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th.  

Contact Matthew Bowes (, the Internship Coordinator, or Laura Suski (, the Program Chair, for further information about the internship application process or the internship experience. 

Internship applicants will submit the following three documents to the Program Chair via email (, or in person to her office (Building 355, Room 330):

  1. Internship Application Form

    Internship Application Form

  2. a Country Analysis: For the Country Analysis, please choose a country (or region in a country) that interests you as a potential site for an internship placement. In no more than 300 words, reflect on two key issues that affect the country. Include a bibliography of 3-4 sources that you used to inform your analysis. 

  3. a Resume.

After the three documents are reviewed by the GLST Internship Committee, applicants will be contacted to schedule an interview with the committee. Interviews are usually scheduled approximately two weeks after the application deadline. A successful interview is a requirement of acceptance.

Past Interns

Shantel Beute

Major: Political Science, Minor: Global Studies 

VIU Model United Nations Committee President

Partner on Secretariat Committee for VIU MUN 2017 Conference 

 GSSA Member 

Belize City Council Women's Development Intern // Rural Village Planning Intern - Want to know more?

"Of course, I would highly recommend the Global Studies Internship program. Having the opportunity to put your skills into action in a field which you are passionate about is absolutely essential in preparing you for professional work and interactions, abroad placements, and future studies."

Kala Mackintosh

Major: Global Studies, Minor: Spanish

QE II Scholar

Previous Spanish Club President 

Community Development and Education Intern - National Garifuna Council. Want to know more?

"What I learned in my internship is impossible to put into a few short words. It was an opportunity of a lifetime and one I highly recommend to anyone who is considering an internship abroad!"

Céline Taylor Smith

VIU 2017 Graduate 

Major: Global Studies, Minor: French 

GLST Communications Assistant

GSSA Member 

Previous MUN Member 

Human Rights Village Planning Intern - National Association of Village Councils. Want to know more?

"The program supports students’ aspirations and helps them in not only discovering their future academic and career pursuits, but also discovering their true selves. This internship opportunity greatly enhances the learning that takes place within the classroom and is a powerful addition to a student’s educational experience and growth at VIU. "

Natasha Mrowinski Santos

Major: Global Studies, Minor: Philosophy 

2015-2016 GSSA Chair 

2016-2017 GSSA Member

Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) -Territorial Consolidation and Socioenvironmental Management // Want to know more? 

"My internship exposed me to a world that I would otherwise not have known to exist, and allowed me to bridge previous coursework and theory with experience for a much richer, understanding of natural resource management, conservation, and sustainable development practices."

Michelle Mueller

VIU 2017 Graduate 

Major: Global Studies,  Minor: Anthropology

GSSA Member 

Intern for Cultural Tourism Development in Seine Bight Village - Want to know more? 

"Though there are certain aspects that one cannot anticipate, be prepared for a challenging but rewarding experience! The people of Seine Bight are colourful and lovely."

Diego Bustos

"I definitely encourage every student enrolled in the Global Studies program at Vancouver Island University to apply for an internship abroad and experience different cultures, lifestyles and everything that our world has to offer with its astonishing beauty there, that is waiting for you to discover."