School of Athen by Raphael
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Scholarships and Awards

Liberal Studies has several competitive awards available for our students.

Below are brief descriptions of each award. Enrolled students will be notified about deadlines and when they can apply for each. Contact the Department for more information.

Alexandro Malaspina Liberal Studies Award:

The intent of the award, founded by the Alexandro Malaspina Research Centre and faculty in the Liberal Studies Department, is to honour both the recipient and the navigator-thinker after whom our institution was originally named. It will be awarded to a Liberal Studies Major or Minor student who has completed at least six upper level Liberal Studies credits, and who has demonstrated, in the judgment of the Liberal Studies Department, significant interdisciplinary interest, commitment and achievement in the wide range of intellectual endeavour (literary, artistic, humanistic, philosophical and scientific) embraced by the Liberal Studies program. Grades and need may be considered by the Department as tie-breaking factors, but are not the primary consideration.

Brock McLeod Award:

The Brock McLeod Award honours the memory of an outstanding student and Liberal Studies alumni program who, inspired by his liberal education, in turn inspired those in his community through publishing, book clubs, civic engagement, and discussions.

Available to a Liberal Studies Major or Minor going into either 3rd or 4th year LBST courses in the fall term following the application deadline. Financial need and academic achievement will be considered.

Liberal Studies, Citizenship, and Great Books Award:

The award will be given to a Liberal Studies Major or Minor student (full time or part time) in any year of the program based on academic excellence.

Students must apply to the Department Chair and include in their application their unofficial VIU transcript, plus a brief (1 page) written refection on what they believe liberal education contributes toward the cultivation of responsible citizenship in a democracy such as Canada’s.

Students who intended to apply the award toward travel costs either to attend an academic conference or to present a paper they have written in Liberal Studies at an academic conferences may be given priority.

Ann Buchanan Award: 

Available by application to a full-time VIU student who will be participating in a Liberal Studies Abroad Program in the spring following the application period.

Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member. Preference will be given to a single parent.

John Black Award: 

Liberal Studies Majors and Minors are eligible if they are going on the LBST Abroad Program. Students must submit a profile via Financial Awards (this makes them eligible for other needs-based awards) Will include, via the profile, an account of why the student is applying including why they believe the Liberal Studies Abroad experience will benefit them in their studies. 

Libby McGrattan Award: 

Awarded to Majors first and, if no adequate Major applicant, to Minors second. Students must submit an application with an explanation of why they are applying for the award and an unofficial transcript to the LBST Department

There are several awards specially for Liberal Studies students. Please refer to the VIU Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards website for more information about these and additional awards available to VIU students.