School of Athen by Raphael
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Jane Larsen: Liberal Studies

Alumna Focus

Jane Larsen completed the Liberal Studies BA in 1998 through our partnership program at North Island College. After graduating, she began a career there in academic advising, and while that continues is pursuing ordination as a minister.

“Through out my many years of attending university I always came up against the ‘get focused/pick a major’ wall. I never found that one specific major program that met all my diverse interests and needs – until [VIU]’s Liberal Studies BA Major program. I was always interested in the Big Picture and how that Big Picture related to the concept of self.

“As far as what the program has given me since completion – number one is confidence: confidence in myself; confidence in my ability to communicate in virtually any medium, and to live comfortably and peacefully in a diverse community. I’ve become a much better human being; liberal education for the sake of ‘growing me’ into ‘more’ is really the best outcome of all. Yes, I have a job and loads of respect in the community where I work and live, but the key outcome is that I am more comfortable with the uncertainties of life … allowing myself to be a human being on a journey instead of one who has to define myself by ‘outside’ cultural standards.”