School of Athen by Raphael
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Perry Bulwer: Liberal Studies and Modern Literature

Alumnus Focus

Perry graduated in 1996, and, after first trying out the possibility of a career in education at the K-12 level, he settled on law as a vehicle for his strong commitment to social justice. He was worked in the downtown eastside area of Vancouver with sex-trade workers and others requiring legal help. Perry shared his experiences in the world of work with recent graduates as the keynote speaker at our Spring Conference in 2004.

“Choosing the Liberal Studies program was one of the best decisions I have ever made. That is where I first learned how to think critically and honed my writing skills. I found the small seminar and writing groups to be excellent crucibles for testing my new-found voice, which in turn gave me the confidence to speak in public. Easy access to professors and the ability to work closely with them one-on-one or in small groups is also a great benefit of the program that should not be overlooked.

“I found the LBST program to be an excellent preparation for law school, as it was there where the various skills I had developed in the program really proved their worth. I graduated from UBC – Faculty of Law in 2002 and was called to the Bar in 2003. I am actively involved with a variety of human rights issues.”