Dawn Isberg : Liberal Studies
Dawn Isberg completed her required Liberal Studies courses through the North Island College partnership program in 2009. She is now taking electives prior to graduation.

"During the past two school years I have had the challenging pleasure of pursuing a Liberal Studies Degree from Vancouver Island University. This interesting program consists of lectures and seminars introducing students to many of the influential thinkers from the western world. The professors aptly guide students through the program and never fail to engage students in seminar discussions with thought-provoking questions and comments.
"The program develops many interpersonal skills, including listening, writing and respectful verbal communication, while encouraging students to engage in critical thinking. Not only does the program open students' minds and broaden their world-view, it fosters confidence in oneself and it opens doors to exciting new educational and career possibilities.
"I highly recommend this program for anyone interested in exploring the source of western thought, through art, travel and literature. Department Chair John Black promised "it will change your life" and, on this, the exceptional team of Liberal Studies professors deliver."