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Course Schedule

Sequencing for the Sociology BA Major & Minor Degrees

Note: This information is not to be construed as a contract to offer the following courses at particular times. It reflects current scheduling practices in the Department, and is provided to help students to plan their degree completion in a timely fashion. Course scheduling may be changed at any time, without notice, to better meet the needs of students. This information does NOT override the information in the official VIU calendar.


When course is usually offered

Required for SOCI Major?

Required for SOCI Minor?

SOCI 111 

Every semester & in the summer



SOCI 112

Every academic year



SOCI 209

(Social Inequality) 

Every semester 



SOCI 250 (Introduction to Research Methods)

Every semester 

Students may also take CRIM 220 or PSYC 204 in lieu of SOCI 250. (Required for Majors and Minors)



SOCI 310

(Classical Theory)

Offered in the SPRING term of odd-numbered years.

Pre-req is SOCI 209.


One of Soci 310 or

Soci 312 are required for the Minor


SOCI 312 (Contemporary Theory)

Offered in the SPRING term of even-numbered years.

Pre-req is SOCI 209. 


SOCI 350

(Qualitative Methods)

Offered every other year.

Students may take CRIM 350, or PSYC 304 in lieu of SOCI 350.

Yes (or SOCI 351)

Yes (or SOCI 351)

SOCI 351

(Survey research methods)

Offered every other year.

Students may take CRIM 351, or PSYC 300A in lieu of SOCI 351.

Pre-requisites: SOCI 111 or SOCI 112, SOCI 250 (CRIM 200 or PSYC 204), and MATH 161 (MATH 181 or 211).

Yes (or SOCI 350)

Yes (or SOCI 350) 

These courses are not required for either the SOCI Major or Minor, but they do provide ways to focus your degree on topics that interest you.

Course NumberCourse Description

SOCI 490

(Directed Study)

The opportunity to work independently on a topic of your choosing, with a professor of your choosing (if they have time to supervise you).

Can be done in any semester, including over the summer, if you have a faculty member willing to supervise you.

Prerequisite: SOCI 111 or SOCI 112 and any SOCI 200 level course; and permission of instructor and Department Chair.

SOCI 491

(Senior Project)

Students may work independently (under faculty supervision) on a project of their choosing, during any semester. Open to Majors only.

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor and Department Chair; and SOCI 310, SOCI 350 and SOCI 351. Restricted to Sociology Majors.

Notes on the Major

Please see the online calendar for a complete listing of BA requirements. All required Year 1 & 2 courses must have a minimum average grade of “C+” with no grade lower than “C” in each course. Sociology BA Major students require a minimum of “C” in each required course. In addition to the required courses listed above, Sociology Majors must complete a minimum of 18 additional credits of Sociology courses numbered 300 and above (including INTD 494 – Integrated Seminar in Natural and Cultural Resource Management). Students may take up to 9 credits of the required 18 minimum credits from approved courses outside of the Sociology department (see the online calendar for a list, or check with the Department Chair.

Notes on the Minor

Please see the online calendar for a complete listing of BA requirements. All Years 1 & 2 required courses must be completed with a minimum average grade of “C+” and no grade lower than “C” in each course. BA Sociology Minors must complete one of Soci 310 (Classical Social Theory) OR Soci 312 (Contemporary Social Theory) AND 15 additional credits of Sociology courses numbered 300 and above (including INTD 494 – Integrated Seminar in Natural and Cultural Resource Management). Students may take up to 3 credits of the required 15 minimum credits from approved courses offered in other departments.

Please declare your Major or Minor as soon as possible. It helps us to know what courses we need to offer. You can change it at any time.

Contact or for more information.