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Past Research

Sample of Resilience Research Lab Projects

Official site for the International Resilience Project

Dr Michael Ungar, Director of the Resilience Research Centre, met with the Resilience Research Lab to discuss their participation in the International Resilience Project. Dr Ungar also gave a presentation to the Nanaimo community entitled, Too Safe For Their Own Good: How Risk and Responsibility Help Our Children and Teens Thrive. This event was sponsored by the Resilience Research Lab at Vancouver Island University, Campbell and Fairweather Psychology Group, and Nanaimo District Secondary Community School. This project lead to the development of a community advisory board consisting of members in the community who worked with children and youth.  The results of this research was shared with the Resilience Research Centre at Dalhousie University and presented at various conferences.  

Learn more about the International Resilience Project

Resilience in Families Affected by AIDS:  Interviews with Ugandan Grandmothers (funded by a grant from VIU International Education)

Lab Director, Caroline Burnley, with cooperation from the Nyaka AIDS Project of Uganda, interviewed the grandmother caregivers of children who were orphaned due to AIDS to investigate what contributed to the resilience of these children and to their own resilience, having lost their own children to AIDS and raising their grandchildren. The results were analyzed by the Resilience Research Lab and presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association in 2013 and the Pathways to Resilience Conference in 2015.

Western Resilience Network Conference

In Spring 2014, the Resilience Research Lab organized and hosted a conference at Vancouver Island University of the Western Resilience Network.  The conference brought together 100 delegates to explore resilience in research and practice.  The conference included keynote speakers, Dr Michael Ungar and Dr Judith Kulig, panelists Tania Smethurst and April deVoy, networking activities and a performance by spoken word poet Esme Stumborg.

Cultivating Resilience in Family Practice Residents (in partnership with Dr Kathryn King).

In partnership with the Nanaimo site of the UBC Medical Residency Program, the Resilience Research Lab conducted research which studied the elements of the UBC Medical Residency Program at the Nanaimo site which contributed to and impeded the resilience of the medical residents in the program.  This research was presented at the Family Medicine Forum in 2011.

The Compendium of Measures Project 

Over the last few years, the Resilience Research Lab have researched and prepared a collection of resilience measures for a variety of populations, including children, adolescents, and adults. 

Resilience Research Lab: The Compendium of Measures

Sample of Student Research Projects

Anissa Jahromi 

Project: Faith and Resilience: Exploring Baha'i Multiracial Emerging Adults' Experiences of Resilience, Identity, and Belonging.

Emmerson Pollard

Project: A Love-Heat Relationship: An Analysis of Relationship Satisfaction, Stress, and Resilience, in Firefighters.

Jordyn Monaghan

Project: Resilience in Those Who Are Homeless: A Perspective from Those Who Work with People Who Experience Homelessness.

Ashley Therrien

Project:  Investigating Resilience in University Students from Separated/Divorced Families. 

Chihori Tsukura

Project: Comparison of Resilience of Spouses and Adult Children Caregiving for Individuals with Dementia. Funded by a REACH Research Award.  

Tarryn Robinson

Project: Investigating the Resilience of Adult Children of Alcoholics.  Funded by a REACH Research Award.

Katie Eichar

Project:  The Relationship between Resilience, Gratitude and Spirituality in Older Adults.  Funded by a REACH Research Award.

Bronwyn Wydeman

Project: Understanding the Connections between Green Spaces and Resilience Through the Study of Optimism, Community Attachment and Social Support Within Communities .

Daniel Elleker

Project:  Internalized Homophobia Resolution in Young Gay and Bisexual Men:  A Mixed Methods Study of Resilience.

Courtenay Crucil

Project: Adolescent Mothers II: An Investigation of the Experiences of Adolescent Mothers in Nanaimo BC. Funded by the VIU-BC Student Lead Research Grant.

Jean King

Project: Adolescent Mothers II: An Investigation of the Experiences of Adolescent Mothers in Nanaimo BC. Funded by the VIU-BC Student Lead Research Grant.

Colleen Stinson

Project: A Needs Assessment of Perinatal Programs for Adolescent Mothers in the City of Nanaimo, BC.

Tara Semple

Project: Fostering Resilience Through Prenatal Education Programs in the City of Nanaimo: A Needs Assessment for Teen Mothers (proposal).

Project:  Imposed Intelligence Beliefs and Subsequent Learning Motivation in College Students:  An Examination of Longitudinal Effects.

Amy Moyer

Projects: An Investigation of the Experiences of Adults Living with Celiac Disease. 

Darby Eakins

Project: Risk & Resilience in Youth Living with Diabetes: A Community Study (proposal).

Tania Smethurst

Project: Cultivating Resilience: An Evaluation of a Youth Wilderness Program.

Kristy Tymos

Project: Resilience in Paralympians: Funded by the Centennial Flame Research Award.

Larissa Predy

Project: Expressed Achievement Goals of Private and Public Elementary School Teachers: Revision of Expressed Goals Inventory.

Project:  Expressed Goals and Theories of Intelligence in Private and Public School Settings.

Patrick Allen

Project: Why Do Nanaimo Families Homeschool? Investigating Parental Motivations, Experiences and Family Circumstances.