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Master of GIS Applications


Master of GIS Applications at Vancouver Island University

A student in the Master of GIS Applications program at Vancouver Island University.

Welcome to Vancouver Island University's Master of GIS Applications (MGISA) Program. Ever since our first Advanced Diploma in GIS Applications (ADGISA) class in September, 2005, students have been asking for more. They liked our program, enjoyed the challenge, and graduated wanting to embark on even bigger and more involved applied GIS projects.

We listened. Under the leadership of Dr Michael Govorov, program development began when the amount of evidence in favour of the program became overwhelming. We owe that to our former students, who were steadfast in writing letters of support for the new program.

The program is designed to build upon the skills developed in the ADGISA, and may offer advanced placement to former ADGISA students and graduates of many other applied Post-Graduate Diploma programs across Canada and around the world.

We look forward to working with you to develop innovative applications in GIS as you design and complete your Master of GIS Applications (MGISA) research project.