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Practicum Overview for Stage 1

Please see the document on the ADGISA website. Please note that the practicum is Stage 1 is generally separate from the research project in Stage 2, unless permission is granted to extend the practicum into a full research project.

Research Project Report Preparation for Stage 2

Students must produce a project report that includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. The report will be reviewed by your supervisor(s), who will make recommendations for changes to the final document, until it is ready for defence. Frequent communication with your supervisor is important to ensure that your research project meets the requirements of the program, your supervisor(s) and VIU.

Research Project Defence for Stage 2

The defence is a public event where students present their work and answer questions from their supervisor(s), other committee members and other audience members. Following the defence your supervisor(s) and other committee members will decide whether your project report and defence have met the requirements of the program.  

A short version of your report, formatted for publication as a conference presentation, conference poster or journal paper, may also be submitted. This is optional, but will be valuable in demonstrating your ability to prepare work for academic purposes.