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Career Opportunities

With its focus on GIS applications, the program will graduate students who are well qualified to assume employment as GIS applications professionals in a variety of related fields.

Graduate Employment Rates

Over 90% of graduates from the face-to-face version of the Advanced Diploma program have successfully secured full-time jobs in GIS.

Starting Wages

Given the large range of their ages, previous experience, other qualifications and employment contexts, it is difficult to generalise about initial salaries for graduates. However, most can expect a starting salary of between $35,000 and $55,000.

See the GISJobs Salary Survey for British Columbia and Alberta.

Career Resources

The best job lead that you can find is one that you are uniquely qualified for, where you know the company well, have contacts within the company, and can articulate the value that you will provide. Quality is the key in the job market, not quantity. A few well-planned applications will get you much farther than the shotgun approach. That said, the sites below offer thousands of GIS jobs.

The Esri website contains a series of Virtual Job Shadow videos for different categories of GIS Jobs.

Job Listings


United States
