Psychology Journals
- American Journal of Psychiatry, The
- American Medical Association Journals
Registration required, Tables of content and abstracts for current and past issues of AMA journals.
- American Psychologist
Tables of content for current and past issues. This is the official journal of the American Psychological Association and is intended for a wide readership of psychologists and students of psychology. There is a search engine associated with all APA journals.
- Annual Review of Psychology - Full text available
A list and brief descriptions of science and professional books published by APA. There is also a search engine associated with APA books.
- APA Science Journals
Brief descriptions of Journals and tables of content for: Behavioral Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Health Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Comparative Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Neuropsychology, Psychological Assessment, Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Review, Psychology and Aging, PsycSCAN: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, PsycSCAN: Applied Psychology, PsycSCAN: Behavior Analysis & Therapy, PsycSCAN: Clinical Psychology, PsycSCAN: Developmental Psychology, PsycSCAN: Learning Disorders and Mental Retardation, PsycSCAN: Neuropsychology. There is a search engine associated with all APA journals.
- APS Observer
Searchable Gopher of recent articles. APS Observer is a monthly newsletter of the American Psychological Society.
- American Journal of Psychology
Gopher of contents of the American Journal of Psychology: devoted to the publication of articles and notes in general experimental psychology
- Behaviour and Brain Sciences [BROKEN]
International, interdisciplinary journal of "open peer commentary" of TARGET ARTICLE PREPRINTS in psychology, neuroscience, behavioral biology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, linguistics and philosophy.
- Canadian Psychology
This site lists three journals published by the Canadian Psychological Association: Canadian Psychology which presents generalist articles in areas of theory, research, and practice that are potentially of interest to a broad cross-section of psychologists, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science which publishes original contributions in the applied areas of psychology, and Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology which publishes original research papers in the broad field of general experimental psychology. List of contents and some special articles are available for each of these journals.
- Contemporary Psychology
List of issue contents and full text of selected articles. APA journal which contains reviews of books and other major works in psychology. There is a search engine associated with all APA journals.
- Current Research in Social Psychology - Electronic Journal, review process not stated.
- Discover [BROKEN] - General science magazine:table of contents, summaries of articles, and selected articles.
- Genes and Development [BROKEN]
List of issue contents. This journal publishes research papers of general interest and biological significance in molecular biology, moleculargenetics, and developmental biology.
- HighWire Press - Free Full-Text Science Journal Archives
- International Bulletin of Political Psychology [BROKEN]
Peer-reviewed journal containing articles on topics that meld politics and Psychology
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis[BROKEN]
List of contents, abstracts, and some articles. This journal publishes experimental research involving applications of the experimental analysis of behavior to problems of social importance. analysis, applied behavior analysis and behavior theory and therapy.
- Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis
We are a brand new start-up journal. In the past other journals and reviewers have exhibited a bias against articles that did not reject the null hypothesis. We plan to change that by offering an outlet for experiments that do not reach the traditional significance levels
- Journal of Buddhist Ethics [BROKEN] - Award winning Social Science/Humanities electronic journal.
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience[BROKEN]
- Journal of Consciousness Studies
A peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which examines consciousness issues in plain English.
- Journal of Developmental Neuroscience[BROKEN]
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour[BROKEN]
Content lists, abstracts, and some selected articles. This journal publishes experiments relevant to the behavior of individual organisms.
- Journal of Mind and Behavior[BROKEN]
Table of Contents and abstracts of all back issues beginning with the first issue: Spring, 1980.
- Journal of Neurophysiology
Articles report on investigations that use the techniques of electrophysiology, experimental neuroanatomy, electron microscopy and tissue culture. The fields of neurochemistry, cellular neurobiology, developmental neurobiology, and behavioral analysis contribute to the content of this respected journal.
- Journal of Neuroscience - The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience.
- Learning & Memory
types of neuronal plasticity, learning, memory, and their models, conducted in humans and other vertebrate and invertebrate species with the following approaches: behavior, cognition, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, biochemistry, genetics, and cell and molecular biology. The journal will also publish review articles and theoretical papers.
- Nature
PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. PEDIATRICS publishes papers on original research or observations and special feature articles in the field of pediatrics as broadly defined. Papers on matters pertinent to pediatrics will also be included from related fields such as nutrition, surgery, dentistry, public health, child health services, human genetics, animal studies, psychology, psychiatry, education, sociology, and nursing.
- Prevention and Treatment Journal
Prevention & Treatment is a peer-reviewed electronic journal sponsored by the American Psychological Association. Prevention & Treatment publishes major empirical and theoretical research on prevention, the outcome of psychotherapy and social and environmental interventions, biologically oriented therapy, and the combination of such interventions. In addition, Prevention & Treatment publishes integrative reviews of the literature relevant to therapy, prevention, and the underlying personality processes as they relate to interventions.
- Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
APA journal which contains articles addressing a variety of topics including current advances in applications from such fields as health psychology, community psychology, clinical neuropsychology, family psychology, and forensic psychology; standards of professional practice and delivery of services in a variety of contexts; public policy as it affects the practice of psychology; and education and training of professional psychologists at the graduate level and in continuing education. There is a search engine associated with all APA journals.
- Science
- Psyche[BROKEN]
This is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain.
- Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
List of issue contents. APA journal which links psychological science with policy and law.. There is a search engine associated with all APA journals.
- Psycoloquy[BROKEN]
This is a refereed electronic journal sponsored by the American Psychological Association. It publishes articles and peer commentary in all areas of psychology as well as cognitive science, neuroscience, behavioral biology, artificial intelligence, robotics/vision, linguistics and philosophy.
- Skeptical Inquirer - Journal of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
- Theory and Psychology
Tables of content for up-coming, current, and back issues. This is a quarterly journal devoted to work with a broader meta-theoretical intent, examining such issues as the conceptual frameworks and foundations of psychology, its historical underpinnings, its relation to other human sciences, its methodological commitments, its ideological assumptions and its political and institutional contexts.
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