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Upcoming Courses

Our Political Studies courses include a variety of courses addressing the core themes of International Affairs (IA), Democracy (D) and Public Administration and Public Policy (PAPP).

Fall 2024

POLI 100 An Introduction to Power, Politics and the Public Interest

Lauren Touchant, M/W, 4:00-5:30, 356/336, blended synchronous

Jocelyne Praud, T/R, 8:30-10:00, 356/336, blended synchronous

Our two sections of POLI 100 will be offered in a blended synchronous format enabling students to join in person or online and feature a joint event where students of both sections will work in teams to design a game to combat incivility and lies in politics.

Check out the Nanaimo Bulletin's article on our POLI 100 game jams here:

POLI 151 Law and Politics in Canada

David Livingstone, M/W, 10:00-11:30, 356/336, in-person

POLI 200 The Politics of War and Peace (IA)

Mark Williams, F 8:30-11:30, 356/336, in-person

POLI 220 American Politics and Government (D, IA)

Mark Williams, online asynchronous

POLI 221 Canadian Politics and Society (D)

Jocelyne Praud, M/W, 11:30-1:00, 356/336, in-person

POLI 245 Ideologies and Political Thought (D)

Mark Blackell, T/R, 1:00-2:30, 356/336, in-person 

POLI 302 Global Emergencies, Humanitarianism and Leadership (PAPP, IA)

Lauren Touchant, M/W, 2:30-4:00, 356/336, in-person

POLI 334 European Democracies under Stress (D, IA)

Jocelyne Praud, T/R, 11:30-1:00, 356/336, in-person 

Students will have the opportunity to investigate and assess the results of the 2024 European elections and, in particular, the gains made by far-right parties in old and new European democracies such as France and Hungary.

POLI 363 Anti-Democratic Thought and Leadership (D)

Michael MacKenzie, M/W, 1:00-2:30, 356/336, in-person

Spring 2025

POLI 100 An Introduction to Power, Politics and the Public Interest

Lauren Touchant, T/R, 10:00-11:30, 356/336, blended synchronous

POLI 100 will be offered in a blended synchronous format enabling students to join in person or online and feature a joint event with students from POLI 231 and 330 will work in teams to design games and policy solution to protect governing institutions and Canadians against fraud.

Check out the Nanaimo Bulletin's article on our POLI 100 game jams here:

POLI 151 Law and Politics in Canada

Jocelyne Praud, M/W, 11:30-1:00, 356/336, in-person

Mark Williams, online asynchronous

POLI 201 An Introduction to International Political Economy (IA)

Mark Williams, online asynchronous

POLI 224 Canadian Constitution: History, Development and Leading Cases (D)

David Livingstone, T/R, 2:30-4:00, 356/317, in-person

POLI 231 Comparative Politics (D, IA)

Jocelyne Praud, T/R, 1:00-2:30, 356/336, in-person

POLI 260 Justice and the Good Life: An Introduction to Political Thought (D)

Mark Blackell, M/W, 2:30-4:00, 356/336, in-person

POLI 262 Representing: How to be a Representative (D)

Michael MacKenzie, M/W, 1:00-2:30, 356/336, in-person

POLI 301 Implementing Human Rights (IA)

Jocelyne Praud, M/W, 10:00-11:30, 356/336, in-person

POLI 330 Comparative Public Policy (PAPP)

Lauren Touchant, T/R, 2:30-4:00, 356/336, blended synchronous

POLI 392 Selected Topics in Comparative Politics: Politics of Cybersecurity, Disinformation and AI (IA)

Mark Williams, F 8:30-11:30, 356/336, in-person