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Political Studies Grads

Check out what our recent grads have been doing after their BA in Political Studies! 

Smiling young woman with long blond hair and glasses. Morag Champagne- Holland


BA Political Studies and Liberal Studies

MA in Political Science (University of Victoria)

Smiling young man with short dark hair Mitch Davie

Degrees and career

BA Political Studies (VIU)
MA in Public Policy and Administration (Carleton University)

Gender-Based Plus Policy Analyst for Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

A smiling young woman in a pantsuit. Maddie Lussier

Degrees and career

BA Political Studies and Business (VIU)
Juris Doctor (Peter A. AllardSchool of Law, UBC)

Currently articling in criminal defense and family law

A smiling young man in a suit.Michael Ribicic

Degrees and career

BA Political Studies and History (VIU)
BEd (VIU), MA Educational Leadership (VIU)

School District 68 teacher
Board member of community organizations

A smiling young woman with a nose ring and tatoo in a suit jacket.Rose Williams

Degree and career

BA Political Studies and Global Studies (VIU)

BC Legislative Intern Policy Analyst for the BC Green caucus

A smiling young woman holding up a degree certificateErika Young

Degrees and career

BA Political Studies and Psychology
MA in Public Policy and Administration (TMU)

Policy Analyst for the Ontario government

A young man with in the outdoors. Kal Zubair

Degrees and career

BA History and Political Studies (VIU)
MSc in Global Politics (London School of Economics and Political Science)

Director of a Victoria-based non-profit organization