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2024 BC Political Studies Association Conference

BCPSA conference posterOn May 2 and 3, 2024, VIU’s Political Studies department hosted the annual conference of the British Columbia Political Studies Association, which focused on the theme of Trust and Leadership. The conference featured two keynote events: Banting Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Morgan Mowatt (University of Victoria) delivered a talk entitled "A Package Deal: Indigenous Knowledge, Culture and Political Authority-Making" on May 2; and Jarislowsky Research Chairs in Trust and Political Leadership Dr. Cristine de Clercy (Trent University) and Dr. Michael MacKenzie (VIU) gave a joint talk entitled "Contemporary Challenges in Democratic Leadership and Public Trust" on May 3.  The conference also included paper presentations on (dis)trust and political leadership, climate change, basic income guaranteed, community engagement and local democracy, the shifting geopolitical landscape,  the state of American democracy, and contemporary debates in academia as well as two roundtables, one on water governance and the other on experiential learning, and twenty research posters presented by VIU Political Studies and Sociology students.

Call for Panels, Papers and Posters

Conference Program

Keynote Speakers and Events

Information about the BCPSA

Questions about the conference can be sent to Jocelyne Praud: