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Frequently Asked Questions

Submissions are open by the end of October each year and the last day to apply is the last business day in February of each year.

We do not assign a supervisor at the point of application. Instead, wait until second term of first year when you draft your research proposal - we then choose the supervisor based on the student's research interest.  That is, you are not forced to work on a supervisor's research interest, but instead are free to explore your own interests and we'll support you in your research/investigations.

The first offers will be sent out late March or early April. If you are wait-listed, please let us know if you are still interested right away so you can be considered if a spot opens up - you could potentially get a place in the program up until the first day of classes.

No, but there are some scholarships and awards available. See scholarships and awards.

Prospective students can have a degree in any discipline and apply to the program.  We do not have any kind of quota system — instead, we consider your GPA, statement of intent, references, and resume and weigh those against all other candidates. A planning degree is considered to be an applied degree (one that is intended to result in an outcome, like a career in planning) versus a graduate degree that is intended to lead to further PhD research.  That is, there is not the same pressure on students to prove that you can do research at an undergraduate level to be considered for the program.

We receive many more applications than placements in the program. The admissions process is highly competitive: approximately one in every ten applicants receives an offer.

We accept approximately 20 students per cohort each fall. There is one intake each year in fall; there is no spring (January) intake.

At the outset, we do not hold you to your Statement of Interest: should you choose to do something else by the time you are required to declare your proposal topic, we do not force you to stick to what you said you would study in your application. However, a well-developed Statement of Interest is an important part of the application process.  It gives a good indication of thoughtfulness, ability to write, and interest in planning as a area of study/profession.

Yes. The Program requires that a referee complete the Assessment Criteria form. The referee may also provide a Letter of Recommendation. You must provide these from three referees. Your letters of reference can be academic or professional.

No. Offers are made to the very best applicants.

No, it is a two-year full-time program.

The program is fully accredited with the Canadian Institute of Planners Professional Standards Board! All students will be registered as "student members" with the Planning Institute of BC (PIBC) and the Canadian Institute of Planners, with costs covered by PIBC. As with all planning schools in Canada, students can pursue full membership following graduation from their accredited program.