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Practitioner in Residence

Patricia Maloney, RPP, BAA (Upln), FCIP

Pat Maloney

Patricia (Pat) was born and raised in Toronto, living in England for 3 years during her teen years while her father, a transportation consultant, worked on projects in England.  Living in England instilled a strong love of history and travel, interest in urban development, and the protection of agricultural lands.  And coming from a consulting family, Pat knew that consulting is where her career would lead.  Pat has over 40 years of experience in land use planning, policy development, strategic planning and public consultation. Pat moved to Alberta after graduation from Ryerson and worked in the public sector for 13 years before moving to the private sector.  In 2006 she moved to British Columbia. She started her own consulting firm and then joined Dillon Consulting Limited 6 years ago.

Pat has worked on a wide variety of projects including OCP’s, Zoning Bylaws, Neighbourhood Plans, and Development Permit Areas for large and small municipalities.  She has completed many projects for provincial departments and agencies and has worked for First Nations for over 30 years.  She has worked for many private developers and housing providers to obtain the approvals for their various projects.  

She is a policy planner who facilitates a wide variety of engagement events, strategic planning sessions, housing needs assessments, downtown revitalization plans, economic development strategies and a wide variety of studies to develop policies for the future operation, growth and development of the organization. 

Pat has also had the opportunity to work with airport boards, committees, authorities and owners and specializes in airport planning, working on dozens of community and regional airports to prepare land use plans, master plans and business plans. 

Pat clearly understands the importance of meaningful consultation and follows the principles of inclusive, responsible and open public engagement. She has utilized a wide variety of consultative methods to gather input for her clients. While using some of the standard tools, she has also reached “outside the box” and created innovative consultation programs that have achieved very high consultation rates.  While completing projects for large municipalities, Pat has primarily specialized in small town and rural planning in both Alberta and BC.  She has prepared Official Community Plans, neighbourhood plans and housing studies for many municipalities and develops strong implementation strategies for the municipalities to follow.  

During her career, Pat has been asked to provide planning services to municipalities as their Planning Director while the municipality has gone through staffing shortages including Tsawwassen First Nation, City of Brooks, County of Newell, Rocky View County and Mountain View County.  

Pat has been published many times in Plan Canada, Plan West and speaks regularly at national and provincial conferences and presents webinars (most recently for the Canadian Institute of Planner).  She has taught at the University of Lethbridge, the Centre for Indigenous and Environmental Resources, Banff School of Management (Aboriginal Studies) and has created and delivered First Nations Land Use Planning Courses for the Federal Government.  She has been the President of the Alberta Professional Planning Institute twice (with a total of 10 years on council) and is currently on the Board of PIBC. She is also on the Professional Education and Exam Committee of the Professional Standards Board.  Pat was honored to be nominated as a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners in 2015.  She has mentored many young planners and is always ready to share experiences and ideas.  

Pat is married to Chris, lives on Gabriola Island, has a cat and a dog and often chickens.  She has two children.  Her son Connor and his partner Tiffany are expecting their first child in May and live in Vancouver. Her daughter Meghan, and her husband Cameron have two beautiful children and live in Calgary. Meghan is a planner with the City of Calgary Water Resources.  Pat loves to garden (food security is a major interest of Pat’s), reads constantly (and is working her way through the CBC 100 Canadian novels you should read), loves to travel and paints watercolours.