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A Year in Anthropology: 2013-14

Photo Gallery

This is a snapshot of courses, projects, events, and activities undertaken by students and faculty of the Department of Anthropology, Vancouver Island University from Intersession 2013 to Spring 2014.

Check this video produced in Helene Demers' ANTH 211 class: How Can I GROW If I Just Don't Know? [HD] - YouTube

Read about two Anthropology students, Megan Kingwill and Brent Whitford, who each received the $6000 Premier's International Scholarship that supported their internships abroad, Nanaimo News Bulletin 25(62): B10, October 31, 2013.

Celia White, double major in ANTH/GLST, won first prize for her essay, "Questioning Voluntourism," in the 2013 Student Paper Competition, National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA).  As the recipient of the NAPA Student Achievement Award, she was invited to the meetings of the American Anthropological Association to present her paper.