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A Year in Anthropology: 2017-18

Photo Gallery

This is a snapshot of courses, projects, events, and activities undertaken by students and faculty of the Department of Anthropology, Vancouver Island University from Intersession 2017 to Spring 2018.

Shout out from Orangutan Foundation International Canada acknowledging Anthropology Student Club and Dr Colleen McVeigh for hosting fundraiser Worldbridger event.

Read Alex Bérubé-Robert's editorial, Folly Incarnate, or the student who donated his award, in The Navigator, December 11, 2017. He was one of the 2016 Anthropology Club Award recipients.

Sarah Burn, VIU 2009, had her Master's thesis published, Experiences of Acculturation: Chinese Student Sojourners at the University of Macerata, Italy (2017, EUM).

Chantelle Spicer co-authored with Dr Shiva Nourpanah, “What do you know about any of the Indigenous languages spoken on the Island?” Reflections from a university classroom, an article in the Newsletter of the Canadian Anthropology Society.  Chantelle was the 2018 Worldbridger award recipient, as well as the recipient of a 2018 VIUFA Community Engagement Award.

Chantelle Spicer also worked on a resource guide for the hosts of the exhibit, 150 Years and Counting: Fighting for Justice on the Coast, a SSHRC-funded project of Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island: Race, Indigeneity and the Transpacific (UVic, History). Connie Graham, VIU 2017, was the Exhibition Coordinator, and Dr Imogene Lim, was one of the three exhibit co-developers.

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