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Friends of Bokonbaevo founder
and intern (right), modelling
a felt hat made by the women of
Altyn Oimok, a co-operative in
Kyrgyzstan (2007).

Student interns (2006) inside
Scladina Cave, Belgium

Museum intern (2008) in the storage
area of the Nanaimo Museum.

The Department of Anthropology offers local and international internships based on availability. These are open to anthropology majors who can receive course credit based on the number of hours of service. Successful candidates register in ANTH 493A, 493B, or 493C, which fulfills the Applied Theory category of the degree program.

Anthropology has offered internships in applied anthropology, museum anthropology, and archaeology; we hope to have in future others in cultural, linguistic and biological anthropology. At present, we have worked in partnership with the Friends of Bokonbaevo, Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society, Cowichan Green Community, Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives, Cumberland Museum & Archives, Kaatza Station Museum & Archives, Nanaimo Community Archives, Nanaimo Foodshare, Nanaimo Museum, Social Planning Cowichan, Aletta Institute for Women's History (Amsterdam, NL) and ASBL Archaeologie Andennaise and the Department of Prehistory, University of Liege.

Read about our interns and their work at the Nanaimo Museum.

Internships Available

The Scladina Cave Internship is a field school in Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology (Sclayn, Belgium). Vancouver Island University participants work with undergraduate students from the University of Liege, as well as, graduate and undergraduate students from other parts of the world. The project covers a five week period, June-July, 202x. Students work in the cave and/or in the lab five days a week for seven to eight hours per day. Prerequisites are ANTH 213, 214, and 351; ANTH 212 is an asset. Interested students should contact directly David Hopwood. Additional information is available on the Education Abroad webpage.

To apply: On one-letter page, state your GPA, list courses or projects which demonstrate skills that can be applied to the position, and state why you should be selected. ALL APPLICATIONS WILL BE RANKED AND VETTED BY THE DEPARTMENT BEFORE BEING SENT TO THE SPONSORING ORGANIZATION. 

To Sponsor an Internship

Download a copy of the Internship Placement Application to your computer, fill it out, save it, and return to:

Attn: Internships
Department of Anthropology
Vancouver Island University
900 Fifth Street
Nanaimo, BC
V9R 5S5


Students interested in internships, or an organization wishing to sponsor one, should contact