A Year in Anthropology: 2023-24

Photo Gallery

This is a snapshot of courses, projects, events, and activities undertaken by students and faculty of the Department of Anthropology, Vancouver Island University from Intersession 2023 to Spring 2024.

  • On Asian Heritage in Nanaimo.  Dr. Imogene Lim chats with CBC’s Claire Palmer about Chinese Canadian history in Nanaimo, and its changing Chinatowns.  Broadcast May 14, 2023, on CBC's North by Northwest, 11:00.
  • On June 22, 2023, honours, majors, and minors in Anthropology joined in the pomp and ceremony of graduation.  Check out the VIU 2023 Convocation Program, BAs begin on page 19.
  • Dr. Marie Hopwood and former student Melissa Ayling cowrote the article "Pouring the Past: Questions of Authenticity in Ancient Beer Recreations," published in Archaeology of Food and Foodways 2(1), 1-25.
  • On March 8, volunteers with Cowichan Search and Rescue got some tips from Dr. David Hopwood on identifying and interpreting human remains.

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