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A Year in Anthropology: 2018-19

Photo Gallery

This is a snapshot of courses, projects, events, and activities undertaken by students and faculty of the Department of Anthropology, Vancouver Island University from Intersession 2018 to Spring 2019.

Chelsea Forseth, BA 18, was featured in the Alumni Spotlight as one of two Social Science radio hosts at CHLY 101.7FM.

Dr Imogene Lim was a recipient of one of the inaugural President's Awards for Community Engagement.

On March 22, Dr Marie Hopwood and Melissa Ayling, VIU Anthropology Major, presented their research work on ancient beer, Drinking Beer in a Blissful Mood: An Experimental Archaeology of Beer.  Learn more about their research on YouTube.  Their project was also featured in the Nanaimo News Bulletin, 9 April 2019.

Two former students, Louie Wilson and Christine Roberts, VIU 2012, were in the news with their work on clam gardens, Indigenous clam farming technology is as old as Egyptian pyramids

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