Screenshot, Anthropology Award Recipients (2020 & 2021) and Faculty
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Anthropology Club Award

TWO awards of $500 will be made available during the spring semester.

DEADLINE:  extended to Thursday, April 4, 2024 (12 noon), to Dr. Marie Hopwood, Chair


  • anthropology major in third or fourth year of study
  • minimum B average
  • meet the enrolment requirements as specified in the calendar under Who qualifies? “VIU Scholarships Awards and Bursaries”
  • demonstrated financial need, e.g., single parent, working two jobs, etc.

Students who wish to be considered for this award must submit their application with a 300-word statement.  In their statement, they should address the question “How will you use anthropology in your career?”  In addition, students should elaborate on their financial need.

NOTE: Preference will be given to first time recipients.

  Application Form 2024 (pdf)

  Application Form 2024 (docx)

List of previous award recipients